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Request Debouncing

Your Hypixel API key has a limit to how often you can use it (called the rate limit). To avoid accidentally going over this limit, debouncing can be enabled to space requests apart enough such that you never go over your rate limit. The downside to this is that your request could be delayed for seconds before being sent to the API, which can cause a poor user experience. Regardless, we recommend keeping debouncing enabled in most situations.

Debouncing is controlled through the deferPolicy option, which takes any IDeferPolicy instance. The default is a RateLimitDeferPolicy with the following options:

const hypixel = await HypixelAPI.create({
    apiKey: "98cb0f8d-b14d-4b29-ae84-0a4d2bf35039",
    deferPolicy: new RateLimitDeferPolicy(
        300_000 // Number of milliseconds between rate limit resets
const hypixel = await HypixelAPI.create({
    apiKey: "98cb0f8d-b14d-4b29-ae84-0a4d2bf35039",
    deferPolicy: new RateLimitDeferPolicy(
        300_000 // Number of milliseconds between rate limit resets


The default Hypixel API key rate limit is 300 requests per 5 minutes. With debouncing enabled, this could result in every API request being delayed for up to a second. This doesn't seem like a long time, but it can be detrimental to the user experience. To solve this issue, RateLimitDeferPolicy allows you to make a burst of requests in quick succession without debouncing them.

With bursts enabled, the first few requests within a given interval will be sent out immediately, allowing you to get a speedy response to your API query. However, if your remaining number of requests for the current rate limit interval falls below a certain threshold, or if the number of API requests you send is too rapid for bursting to keep up, then the debouncing delay will gradually increase beyond one second when it is used.

All burst thresholds and timings are customizable; refer to the RateLimitDeferPolicy reference to view them and their defaults. If you notice that the debounce period for requests is too large for your use-case, consider modifying your debounce or cache settings. If all else fails, you may consider applying for a Hypixel API key rate limit increase.

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