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Starboard is in Alpha!

Features and APIs may rapidly change. Starboard is not yet production-ready.


Starboard is a collection of tools for developers creating software for Minecraft. Building your own web backend should not be a requirement for a Minecraft mod. Yet, with the growing ecosystem and recent changes to the Hypixel API, the demand for an easily-adoptable solution has never been higher. Starboard's goal is to fill that gap by offering a trivial no-code web backend that is easy to integrate with your Minecraft mod.

While Starboard offers no-code solutions via the CLI, developers with more complex use-cases may still wish to extend Starboard with their own logic. For this, the Starboard Framework and API may be a perfect fit for the job.

If you need help figuring out which module is right for you, Jerry is here to help. Otherwise, feel free to jump into the documentation for the module of your choice.


Do you already have a web backend?

Released under the MIT License.