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@mcsb/api / Exports / HypixelAPI

Class: HypixelAPI

Interface for requesting data from the Hypixel API.


const hypixel = await HypixelAPI.create({
    apiKey: "98cb0f8d-b14d-4b29-ae84-0a4d2bf35039"

const boosters = await hypixel.getBoosters() // HypixelBooster[]
const hypixel = await HypixelAPI.create({
    apiKey: "98cb0f8d-b14d-4b29-ae84-0a4d2bf35039"

const boosters = await hypixel.getBoosters() // HypixelBooster[]


Table of contents





Protected Readonly options: Readonly<{ apiKey: string ; deferPolicy: null | IDeferPolicy<Response> ; httpClient: HttpClient }>

The options provided to the constructor, parsed by parseOptions.

Inherited from


Defined in




areBoostersActive(): Promise<boolean>

Check whether booster timers are currently counting down. Boosters are occasionally paused during maintenance or server-wide issues.



A Promise that resolves to true if boosters are active, or false otherwise.



  • Error if an invalid Hypixel API key was provided to the constructor.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in



destroy(): void

Destroy this API instance, primarily by shutting down the HttpClient. Failure to do so may leave your program hanging if you do not explicitly interrupt it.



Inherited from


Defined in



getBoosters(raw?): Promise<{ _id: string ; amount?: null | number ; dateActivated?: null | UnixDate ; gameType?: null | number ; length?: null | number ; originalLength?: null | number ; purchaserUuid?: null | string ; stacked?: null | boolean | readonly string[] } & { getDateScheduled: (this: { _id: string ; amount?: null | number ; dateActivated?: null | UnixDate ; gameType?: null | number ; length?: null | number ; originalLength?: null | number ; purchaserUuid?: null | string ; stacked?: null | boolean | readonly string[] }) => null | Date ; stackedIterator: (this: { _id: string ; amount?: null | number ; dateActivated?: null | UnixDate ; gameType?: null | number ; length?: null | number ; originalLength?: null | number ; purchaserUuid?: null | string ; stacked?: null | boolean | readonly string[] }) => AsyncIterableIterator<undefined | null | Readonly<{ SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string } & { getGuild: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => Promise<undefined | null | Readonly<{ _id: string ; achievements: Readonly<Partial<Record<"EXPERIENCE_KINGS" | "WINNERS" | "ONLINE_PLAYERS", number>>> ; banner?: null | Readonly<{ Base: number; Patterns: readonly Readonly<{ Pattern: string; Color: string; }>[]; }> ; chatMute?: null | number ; coins?: null | number ; coinsEver?: null | number ; created?: null | UnixDate ; description?: null | string ; exp?: null | number ; guildExpByGameType: Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", number>>> ; joinable?: null | boolean ; legacyRanking?: null | number ; members: { uuid: string; rank: string; joined: UnixDate; expHistory: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; mutedTill?: UnixDate | null | undefined; questParticipation?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }[] ; name?: null | string ; name_lower?: null | string ; preferredGames: readonly ("QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD")[] ; publiclyListed?: null | boolean ; ranks: { default: boolean; name: string; tag?: string | null | undefined; created?: UnixDate | null | undefined; priority?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; tag?: null | string ; tagColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" } & { getLevel: (this: { _id: string ; achievements: Readonly<Partial<Record<"EXPERIENCE_KINGS" | "WINNERS" | "ONLINE_PLAYERS", number>>> ; banner?: null | Readonly<{ Base: number; Patterns: readonly Readonly<{ Pattern: string; Color: string; }>[]; }> ; chatMute?: null | number ; coins?: null | number ; coinsEver?: null | number ; created?: null | UnixDate ; description?: null | string ; exp?: null | number ; guildExpByGameType: Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", number>>> ; joinable?: null | boolean ; legacyRanking?: null | number ; members: { uuid: string; rank: string; joined: UnixDate; expHistory: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; mutedTill?: UnixDate | null | undefined; questParticipation?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }[] ; name?: null | string ; name_lower?: null | string ; preferredGames: readonly ("QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD")[] ; publiclyListed?: null | boolean ; ranks: { default: boolean; name: string; tag?: string | null | undefined; created?: UnixDate | null | undefined; priority?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; tag?: null | string ; tagColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" }) => number }>> ; getLevel: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => number ; getRecentGames: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => Promise<Readonly<{ date?: null | UnixDate ; ended?: null | UnixDate ; gameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; map?: null | string ; mode?: null | string }>[]> ; getSession: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => Promise<null | Readonly<{ gameType?: null | string ; map?: null | string ; mode?: null | string ; online?: null | boolean }>> }>> }[]>

Retrieve a list of active Hypixel Boosters from the Hypixel API via the /boosters endpoint.


raw?falseWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelBooster array. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.


Promise<{ _id: string ; amount?: null | number ; dateActivated?: null | UnixDate ; gameType?: null | number ; length?: null | number ; originalLength?: null | number ; purchaserUuid?: null | string ; stacked?: null | boolean | readonly string[] } & { getDateScheduled: (this: { _id: string ; amount?: null | number ; dateActivated?: null | UnixDate ; gameType?: null | number ; length?: null | number ; originalLength?: null | number ; purchaserUuid?: null | string ; stacked?: null | boolean | readonly string[] }) => null | Date ; stackedIterator: (this: { _id: string ; amount?: null | number ; dateActivated?: null | UnixDate ; gameType?: null | number ; length?: null | number ; originalLength?: null | number ; purchaserUuid?: null | string ; stacked?: null | boolean | readonly string[] }) => AsyncIterableIterator<undefined | null | Readonly<{ SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string } & { getGuild: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => Promise<undefined | null | Readonly<{ _id: string ; achievements: Readonly<Partial<Record<"EXPERIENCE_KINGS" | "WINNERS" | "ONLINE_PLAYERS", number>>> ; banner?: null | Readonly<{ Base: number; Patterns: readonly Readonly<{ Pattern: string; Color: string; }>[]; }> ; chatMute?: null | number ; coins?: null | number ; coinsEver?: null | number ; created?: null | UnixDate ; description?: null | string ; exp?: null | number ; guildExpByGameType: Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", number>>> ; joinable?: null | boolean ; legacyRanking?: null | number ; members: { uuid: string; rank: string; joined: UnixDate; expHistory: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; mutedTill?: UnixDate | null | undefined; questParticipation?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }[] ; name?: null | string ; name_lower?: null | string ; preferredGames: readonly ("QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD")[] ; publiclyListed?: null | boolean ; ranks: { default: boolean; name: string; tag?: string | null | undefined; created?: UnixDate | null | undefined; priority?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; tag?: null | string ; tagColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" } & { getLevel: (this: { _id: string ; achievements: Readonly<Partial<Record<"EXPERIENCE_KINGS" | "WINNERS" | "ONLINE_PLAYERS", number>>> ; banner?: null | Readonly<{ Base: number; Patterns: readonly Readonly<{ Pattern: string; Color: string; }>[]; }> ; chatMute?: null | number ; coins?: null | number ; coinsEver?: null | number ; created?: null | UnixDate ; description?: null | string ; exp?: null | number ; guildExpByGameType: Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", number>>> ; joinable?: null | boolean ; legacyRanking?: null | number ; members: { uuid: string; rank: string; joined: UnixDate; expHistory: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; mutedTill?: UnixDate | null | undefined; questParticipation?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }[] ; name?: null | string ; name_lower?: null | string ; preferredGames: readonly ("QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD")[] ; publiclyListed?: null | boolean ; ranks: { default: boolean; name: string; tag?: string | null | undefined; created?: UnixDate | null | undefined; priority?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; tag?: null | string ; tagColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" }) => number }>> ; getLevel: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => number ; getRecentGames: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => Promise<Readonly<{ date?: null | UnixDate ; ended?: null | UnixDate ; gameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; map?: null | string ; mode?: null | string }>[]> ; getSession: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => Promise<null | Readonly<{ gameType?: null | string ; map?: null | string ; mode?: null | string ; online?: null | boolean }>> }>> }[]>

A Promise that resolves with an array of HypixelBooster objects, or an empty array if there are no active boosters.



  • Error if an invalid Hypixel API key was provided to the constructor.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in


getBoosters(raw?): Promise<RawResponse>

Retrieve a list of active Hypixel Boosters from the Hypixel API via the /boosters endpoint.


raw?trueWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelBooster array. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.



A Promise that resolves with a RawResponse containing the raw data fetched from the Hypixel API.



  • Error if an invalid Hypixel API key was provided to the constructor.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in



getGuild(id, raw?): Promise<undefined | null | Readonly<{ _id: string ; achievements: Readonly<Partial<Record<"EXPERIENCE_KINGS" | "WINNERS" | "ONLINE_PLAYERS", number>>> ; banner?: null | Readonly<{ Base: number; Patterns: readonly Readonly<{ Pattern: string; Color: string; }>[]; }> ; chatMute?: null | number ; coins?: null | number ; coinsEver?: null | number ; created?: null | UnixDate ; description?: null | string ; exp?: null | number ; guildExpByGameType: Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", number>>> ; joinable?: null | boolean ; legacyRanking?: null | number ; members: { uuid: string; rank: string; joined: UnixDate; expHistory: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; mutedTill?: UnixDate | null | undefined; questParticipation?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }[] ; name?: null | string ; name_lower?: null | string ; preferredGames: readonly ("QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD")[] ; publiclyListed?: null | boolean ; ranks: { default: boolean; name: string; tag?: string | null | undefined; created?: UnixDate | null | undefined; priority?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; tag?: null | string ; tagColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" } & { getLevel: (this: { _id: string ; achievements: Readonly<Partial<Record<"EXPERIENCE_KINGS" | "WINNERS" | "ONLINE_PLAYERS", number>>> ; banner?: null | Readonly<{ Base: number; Patterns: readonly Readonly<{ Pattern: string; Color: string; }>[]; }> ; chatMute?: null | number ; coins?: null | number ; coinsEver?: null | number ; created?: null | UnixDate ; description?: null | string ; exp?: null | number ; guildExpByGameType: Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", number>>> ; joinable?: null | boolean ; legacyRanking?: null | number ; members: { uuid: string; rank: string; joined: UnixDate; expHistory: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; mutedTill?: UnixDate | null | undefined; questParticipation?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }[] ; name?: null | string ; name_lower?: null | string ; preferredGames: readonly ("QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD")[] ; publiclyListed?: null | boolean ; ranks: { default: boolean; name: string; tag?: string | null | undefined; created?: UnixDate | null | undefined; priority?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; tag?: null | string ; tagColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" }) => number }>>

Retrieve data about a Hypixel Guild from the Hypixel API via the /guild endpoint.


idstringThe MongoDB object ID of the guild. If a guild with the given ID does not exist, null will be returned.
raw?falseWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelGuild object. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.


Promise<undefined | null | Readonly<{ _id: string ; achievements: Readonly<Partial<Record<"EXPERIENCE_KINGS" | "WINNERS" | "ONLINE_PLAYERS", number>>> ; banner?: null | Readonly<{ Base: number; Patterns: readonly Readonly<{ Pattern: string; Color: string; }>[]; }> ; chatMute?: null | number ; coins?: null | number ; coinsEver?: null | number ; created?: null | UnixDate ; description?: null | string ; exp?: null | number ; guildExpByGameType: Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", number>>> ; joinable?: null | boolean ; legacyRanking?: null | number ; members: { uuid: string; rank: string; joined: UnixDate; expHistory: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; mutedTill?: UnixDate | null | undefined; questParticipation?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }[] ; name?: null | string ; name_lower?: null | string ; preferredGames: readonly ("QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD")[] ; publiclyListed?: null | boolean ; ranks: { default: boolean; name: string; tag?: string | null | undefined; created?: UnixDate | null | undefined; priority?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; tag?: null | string ; tagColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" } & { getLevel: (this: { _id: string ; achievements: Readonly<Partial<Record<"EXPERIENCE_KINGS" | "WINNERS" | "ONLINE_PLAYERS", number>>> ; banner?: null | Readonly<{ Base: number; Patterns: readonly Readonly<{ Pattern: string; Color: string; }>[]; }> ; chatMute?: null | number ; coins?: null | number ; coinsEver?: null | number ; created?: null | UnixDate ; description?: null | string ; exp?: null | number ; guildExpByGameType: Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", number>>> ; joinable?: null | boolean ; legacyRanking?: null | number ; members: { uuid: string; rank: string; joined: UnixDate; expHistory: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; mutedTill?: UnixDate | null | undefined; questParticipation?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }[] ; name?: null | string ; name_lower?: null | string ; preferredGames: readonly ("QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD")[] ; publiclyListed?: null | boolean ; ranks: { default: boolean; name: string; tag?: string | null | undefined; created?: UnixDate | null | undefined; priority?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; tag?: null | string ; tagColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" }) => number }>>

A Promise that resolves with a HypixelGuild object, or null if the guild does not exist.



  • Error if an invalid Hypixel API key was provided to the constructor.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in


getGuild(name, raw?): Promise<undefined | null | Readonly<{ _id: string ; achievements: Readonly<Partial<Record<"EXPERIENCE_KINGS" | "WINNERS" | "ONLINE_PLAYERS", number>>> ; banner?: null | Readonly<{ Base: number; Patterns: readonly Readonly<{ Pattern: string; Color: string; }>[]; }> ; chatMute?: null | number ; coins?: null | number ; coinsEver?: null | number ; created?: null | UnixDate ; description?: null | string ; exp?: null | number ; guildExpByGameType: Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", number>>> ; joinable?: null | boolean ; legacyRanking?: null | number ; members: { uuid: string; rank: string; joined: UnixDate; expHistory: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; mutedTill?: UnixDate | null | undefined; questParticipation?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }[] ; name?: null | string ; name_lower?: null | string ; preferredGames: readonly ("QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD")[] ; publiclyListed?: null | boolean ; ranks: { default: boolean; name: string; tag?: string | null | undefined; created?: UnixDate | null | undefined; priority?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; tag?: null | string ; tagColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" } & { getLevel: (this: { _id: string ; achievements: Readonly<Partial<Record<"EXPERIENCE_KINGS" | "WINNERS" | "ONLINE_PLAYERS", number>>> ; banner?: null | Readonly<{ Base: number; Patterns: readonly Readonly<{ Pattern: string; Color: string; }>[]; }> ; chatMute?: null | number ; coins?: null | number ; coinsEver?: null | number ; created?: null | UnixDate ; description?: null | string ; exp?: null | number ; guildExpByGameType: Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", number>>> ; joinable?: null | boolean ; legacyRanking?: null | number ; members: { uuid: string; rank: string; joined: UnixDate; expHistory: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; mutedTill?: UnixDate | null | undefined; questParticipation?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }[] ; name?: null | string ; name_lower?: null | string ; preferredGames: readonly ("QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD")[] ; publiclyListed?: null | boolean ; ranks: { default: boolean; name: string; tag?: string | null | undefined; created?: UnixDate | null | undefined; priority?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; tag?: null | string ; tagColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" }) => number }>>

Retrieve data about a Hypixel Guild from the Hypixel API via the /guild endpoint.


namestringThe name of the guild. If a guild with the given name does not exist, null will be returned.
raw?falseWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelGuild object. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.


Promise<undefined | null | Readonly<{ _id: string ; achievements: Readonly<Partial<Record<"EXPERIENCE_KINGS" | "WINNERS" | "ONLINE_PLAYERS", number>>> ; banner?: null | Readonly<{ Base: number; Patterns: readonly Readonly<{ Pattern: string; Color: string; }>[]; }> ; chatMute?: null | number ; coins?: null | number ; coinsEver?: null | number ; created?: null | UnixDate ; description?: null | string ; exp?: null | number ; guildExpByGameType: Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", number>>> ; joinable?: null | boolean ; legacyRanking?: null | number ; members: { uuid: string; rank: string; joined: UnixDate; expHistory: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; mutedTill?: UnixDate | null | undefined; questParticipation?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }[] ; name?: null | string ; name_lower?: null | string ; preferredGames: readonly ("QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD")[] ; publiclyListed?: null | boolean ; ranks: { default: boolean; name: string; tag?: string | null | undefined; created?: UnixDate | null | undefined; priority?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; tag?: null | string ; tagColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" } & { getLevel: (this: { _id: string ; achievements: Readonly<Partial<Record<"EXPERIENCE_KINGS" | "WINNERS" | "ONLINE_PLAYERS", number>>> ; banner?: null | Readonly<{ Base: number; Patterns: readonly Readonly<{ Pattern: string; Color: string; }>[]; }> ; chatMute?: null | number ; coins?: null | number ; coinsEver?: null | number ; created?: null | UnixDate ; description?: null | string ; exp?: null | number ; guildExpByGameType: Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", number>>> ; joinable?: null | boolean ; legacyRanking?: null | number ; members: { uuid: string; rank: string; joined: UnixDate; expHistory: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; mutedTill?: UnixDate | null | undefined; questParticipation?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }[] ; name?: null | string ; name_lower?: null | string ; preferredGames: readonly ("QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD")[] ; publiclyListed?: null | boolean ; ranks: { default: boolean; name: string; tag?: string | null | undefined; created?: UnixDate | null | undefined; priority?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; tag?: null | string ; tagColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" }) => number }>>

A Promise that resolves with a HypixelGuild object, or null if the guild does not exist.



  • Error if an invalid Hypixel API key was provided to the constructor.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in


getGuild(playerUuid, raw?): Promise<undefined | null | Readonly<{ _id: string ; achievements: Readonly<Partial<Record<"EXPERIENCE_KINGS" | "WINNERS" | "ONLINE_PLAYERS", number>>> ; banner?: null | Readonly<{ Base: number; Patterns: readonly Readonly<{ Pattern: string; Color: string; }>[]; }> ; chatMute?: null | number ; coins?: null | number ; coinsEver?: null | number ; created?: null | UnixDate ; description?: null | string ; exp?: null | number ; guildExpByGameType: Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", number>>> ; joinable?: null | boolean ; legacyRanking?: null | number ; members: { uuid: string; rank: string; joined: UnixDate; expHistory: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; mutedTill?: UnixDate | null | undefined; questParticipation?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }[] ; name?: null | string ; name_lower?: null | string ; preferredGames: readonly ("QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD")[] ; publiclyListed?: null | boolean ; ranks: { default: boolean; name: string; tag?: string | null | undefined; created?: UnixDate | null | undefined; priority?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; tag?: null | string ; tagColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" } & { getLevel: (this: { _id: string ; achievements: Readonly<Partial<Record<"EXPERIENCE_KINGS" | "WINNERS" | "ONLINE_PLAYERS", number>>> ; banner?: null | Readonly<{ Base: number; Patterns: readonly Readonly<{ Pattern: string; Color: string; }>[]; }> ; chatMute?: null | number ; coins?: null | number ; coinsEver?: null | number ; created?: null | UnixDate ; description?: null | string ; exp?: null | number ; guildExpByGameType: Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", number>>> ; joinable?: null | boolean ; legacyRanking?: null | number ; members: { uuid: string; rank: string; joined: UnixDate; expHistory: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; mutedTill?: UnixDate | null | undefined; questParticipation?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }[] ; name?: null | string ; name_lower?: null | string ; preferredGames: readonly ("QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD")[] ; publiclyListed?: null | boolean ; ranks: { default: boolean; name: string; tag?: string | null | undefined; created?: UnixDate | null | undefined; priority?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; tag?: null | string ; tagColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" }) => number }>>

Retrieve data about a Hypixel Guild from the Hypixel API via the /guild endpoint.


playerUuidstringThe UUID of a player in the guild. If the player is not in a guild, or if the player does not exist, null will be returned.
raw?falseWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelGuild object. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.


Promise<undefined | null | Readonly<{ _id: string ; achievements: Readonly<Partial<Record<"EXPERIENCE_KINGS" | "WINNERS" | "ONLINE_PLAYERS", number>>> ; banner?: null | Readonly<{ Base: number; Patterns: readonly Readonly<{ Pattern: string; Color: string; }>[]; }> ; chatMute?: null | number ; coins?: null | number ; coinsEver?: null | number ; created?: null | UnixDate ; description?: null | string ; exp?: null | number ; guildExpByGameType: Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", number>>> ; joinable?: null | boolean ; legacyRanking?: null | number ; members: { uuid: string; rank: string; joined: UnixDate; expHistory: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; mutedTill?: UnixDate | null | undefined; questParticipation?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }[] ; name?: null | string ; name_lower?: null | string ; preferredGames: readonly ("QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD")[] ; publiclyListed?: null | boolean ; ranks: { default: boolean; name: string; tag?: string | null | undefined; created?: UnixDate | null | undefined; priority?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; tag?: null | string ; tagColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" } & { getLevel: (this: { _id: string ; achievements: Readonly<Partial<Record<"EXPERIENCE_KINGS" | "WINNERS" | "ONLINE_PLAYERS", number>>> ; banner?: null | Readonly<{ Base: number; Patterns: readonly Readonly<{ Pattern: string; Color: string; }>[]; }> ; chatMute?: null | number ; coins?: null | number ; coinsEver?: null | number ; created?: null | UnixDate ; description?: null | string ; exp?: null | number ; guildExpByGameType: Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", number>>> ; joinable?: null | boolean ; legacyRanking?: null | number ; members: { uuid: string; rank: string; joined: UnixDate; expHistory: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; mutedTill?: UnixDate | null | undefined; questParticipation?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }[] ; name?: null | string ; name_lower?: null | string ; preferredGames: readonly ("QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD")[] ; publiclyListed?: null | boolean ; ranks: { default: boolean; name: string; tag?: string | null | undefined; created?: UnixDate | null | undefined; priority?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; tag?: null | string ; tagColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" }) => number }>>

A Promise that resolves with a HypixelGuild object, or null if the guild does not exist.



  • Error if an invalid Hypixel API key was provided to the constructor.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in


getGuild(id, raw?): Promise<RawResponse>

Retrieve data about a Hypixel Guild from the Hypixel API via the /guild endpoint.


idstringThe MongoDB object ID of the guild. If a guild with the given ID does not exist, null will be returned.
raw?trueWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelGuild object. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.



A Promise that resolves with a RawResponse containing the raw data fetched from the Hypixel API.



  • Error if an invalid Hypixel API key was provided to the constructor.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in


getGuild(name, raw?): Promise<RawResponse>

Retrieve data about a Hypixel Guild from the Hypixel API via the /guild endpoint.


namestringThe name of the guild. If a guild with the given name does not exist, null will be returned.
raw?trueWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelGuild object. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.



A Promise that resolves with a RawResponse containing the raw data fetched from the Hypixel API.



  • Error if an invalid Hypixel API key was provided to the constructor.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in


getGuild(playerUuid, raw?): Promise<RawResponse>

Retrieve data about a Hypixel Guild from the Hypixel API via the /guild endpoint.


playerUuidstringThe UUID of a player in the guild. If the player is not in a guild, or if the player does not exist, null will be returned.
raw?trueWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelGuild object. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.



A Promise that resolves with a RawResponse containing the raw data fetched from the Hypixel API.



  • Error if an invalid Hypixel API key was provided to the constructor.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in



getLeaderboards(raw?): Promise<Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", readonly { count: number ; leaders: readonly string[] ; location: string ; path: string ; prefix: string ; title: string } & { [asyncIterator]: (this: { count: number ; leaders: readonly string[] ; location: string ; path: string ; prefix: string ; title: string }) => AsyncIterableIterator<undefined | null | Readonly<{ SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; ... ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string } & { getGuild: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; ... ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => Promise<undefined | null | Readonly<{ _id: string ; achievements: Readonly<Partial<Record<"EXPERIENCE_KINGS" | "WINNERS" | "ONLINE_PLAYERS", number>>> ; banner?: null | Readonly<{ Base: number; Patterns: readonly Readonly<{ Pattern: string; Color: string; }>[]; }> ; chatMute?: null | number ; coins?: null | number ; coinsEver?: null | number ; created?: null | UnixDate ; description?: null | string ; exp?: null | number ; guildExpByGameType: Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", number>>> ; joinable?: null | boolean ; legacyRanking?: null | number ; members: { uuid: string; rank: string; joined: UnixDate; expHistory: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; mutedTill?: UnixDate | null | undefined; questParticipation?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }[] ; name?: null | string ; name_lower?: null | string ; preferredGames: readonly ("QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | ... 16 more ... | "GINGERBREAD")[] ; publiclyListed?: null | boolean ; ranks: { default: boolean; name: string; tag?: string | null | undefined; created?: UnixDate | null | undefined; priority?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; tag?: null | string ; tagColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" } & { getLevel: (this: { _id: string ; achievements: Readonly<Partial<Record<"EXPERIENCE_KINGS" | "WINNERS" | "ONLINE_PLAYERS", number>>> ; banner?: null | Readonly<{ Base: number; Patterns: readonly Readonly<{ Pattern: string; Color: string; }>[]; }> ; chatMute?: null | number ; coins?: null | number ; coinsEver?: null | number ; created?: null | UnixDate ; description?: null | string ; exp?: null | number ; guildExpByGameType: Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", number>>> ; joinable?: null | boolean ; legacyRanking?: null | number ; members: { uuid: string; rank: string; joined: UnixDate; expHistory: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; mutedTill?: UnixDate | null | undefined; questParticipation?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }[] ; name?: null | string ; name_lower?: null | string ; preferredGames: readonly ("QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | ... 16 more ... | "GINGERBREAD")[] ; publiclyListed?: null | boolean ; ranks: { default: boolean; name: string; tag?: string | null | undefined; created?: UnixDate | null | undefined; priority?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; tag?: null | string ; tagColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" }) => number }>> ; getLevel: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; ... ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => number ; getRecentGames: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; ... ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => Promise<Readonly<{ date?: null | UnixDate ; ended?: null | UnixDate ; gameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; map?: null | string ; mode?: null | string }>[]> ; getSession: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; ... ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => Promise<null | Readonly<{ gameType?: null | string ; map?: null | string ; mode?: null | string ; online?: null | boolean }>> }>> }[]>>>>

Retrieve an object containing the latest leaderboard data from the Hypixel API via the /leaderboards endpoint.


raw?falseWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelLeaderboards object. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.


Promise<Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", readonly { count: number ; leaders: readonly string[] ; location: string ; path: string ; prefix: string ; title: string } & { [asyncIterator]: (this: { count: number ; leaders: readonly string[] ; location: string ; path: string ; prefix: string ; title: string }) => AsyncIterableIterator<undefined | null | Readonly<{ SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; ... ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string } & { getGuild: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; ... ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => Promise<undefined | null | Readonly<{ _id: string ; achievements: Readonly<Partial<Record<"EXPERIENCE_KINGS" | "WINNERS" | "ONLINE_PLAYERS", number>>> ; banner?: null | Readonly<{ Base: number; Patterns: readonly Readonly<{ Pattern: string; Color: string; }>[]; }> ; chatMute?: null | number ; coins?: null | number ; coinsEver?: null | number ; created?: null | UnixDate ; description?: null | string ; exp?: null | number ; guildExpByGameType: Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", number>>> ; joinable?: null | boolean ; legacyRanking?: null | number ; members: { uuid: string; rank: string; joined: UnixDate; expHistory: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; mutedTill?: UnixDate | null | undefined; questParticipation?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }[] ; name?: null | string ; name_lower?: null | string ; preferredGames: readonly ("QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | ... 16 more ... | "GINGERBREAD")[] ; publiclyListed?: null | boolean ; ranks: { default: boolean; name: string; tag?: string | null | undefined; created?: UnixDate | null | undefined; priority?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; tag?: null | string ; tagColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" } & { getLevel: (this: { _id: string ; achievements: Readonly<Partial<Record<"EXPERIENCE_KINGS" | "WINNERS" | "ONLINE_PLAYERS", number>>> ; banner?: null | Readonly<{ Base: number; Patterns: readonly Readonly<{ Pattern: string; Color: string; }>[]; }> ; chatMute?: null | number ; coins?: null | number ; coinsEver?: null | number ; created?: null | UnixDate ; description?: null | string ; exp?: null | number ; guildExpByGameType: Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", number>>> ; joinable?: null | boolean ; legacyRanking?: null | number ; members: { uuid: string; rank: string; joined: UnixDate; expHistory: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; mutedTill?: UnixDate | null | undefined; questParticipation?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }[] ; name?: null | string ; name_lower?: null | string ; preferredGames: readonly ("QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | ... 16 more ... | "GINGERBREAD")[] ; publiclyListed?: null | boolean ; ranks: { default: boolean; name: string; tag?: string | null | undefined; created?: UnixDate | null | undefined; priority?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; tag?: null | string ; tagColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" }) => number }>> ; getLevel: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; ... ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => number ; getRecentGames: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; ... ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => Promise<Readonly<{ date?: null | UnixDate ; ended?: null | UnixDate ; gameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; map?: null | string ; mode?: null | string }>[]> ; getSession: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; ... ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => Promise<null | Readonly<{ gameType?: null | string ; map?: null | string ; mode?: null | string ; online?: null | boolean }>> }>> }[]>>>>

A Promise that resolves with a HypixelLeaderboards object.



  • Error if an invalid Hypixel API key was provided to the constructor.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in


getLeaderboards(raw?): Promise<RawResponse>

Retrieve an object containing the latest leaderboard data from the Hypixel API via the /leaderboards endpoint.


raw?trueWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelLeaderboards object. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.



A Promise that resolves with a RawResponse containing the raw data fetched from the Hypixel API.



  • Error if an invalid Hypixel API key was provided to the constructor.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in



getPlayer(name, direct?, raw?): Promise<undefined | null | Readonly<{ SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string } & { getGuild: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => Promise<undefined | null | Readonly<{ _id: string ; achievements: Readonly<Partial<Record<"EXPERIENCE_KINGS" | "WINNERS" | "ONLINE_PLAYERS", number>>> ; banner?: null | Readonly<{ Base: number; Patterns: readonly Readonly<{ Pattern: string; Color: string; }>[]; }> ; chatMute?: null | number ; coins?: null | number ; coinsEver?: null | number ; created?: null | UnixDate ; description?: null | string ; exp?: null | number ; guildExpByGameType: Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", number>>> ; joinable?: null | boolean ; legacyRanking?: null | number ; members: { uuid: string; rank: string; joined: UnixDate; expHistory: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; mutedTill?: UnixDate | null | undefined; questParticipation?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }[] ; name?: null | string ; name_lower?: null | string ; preferredGames: readonly ("QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD")[] ; publiclyListed?: null | boolean ; ranks: { default: boolean; name: string; tag?: string | null | undefined; created?: UnixDate | null | undefined; priority?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; tag?: null | string ; tagColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" } & { getLevel: (this: { _id: string ; achievements: Readonly<Partial<Record<"EXPERIENCE_KINGS" | "WINNERS" | "ONLINE_PLAYERS", number>>> ; banner?: null | Readonly<{ Base: number; Patterns: readonly Readonly<{ Pattern: string; Color: string; }>[]; }> ; chatMute?: null | number ; coins?: null | number ; coinsEver?: null | number ; created?: null | UnixDate ; description?: null | string ; exp?: null | number ; guildExpByGameType: Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", number>>> ; joinable?: null | boolean ; legacyRanking?: null | number ; members: { uuid: string; rank: string; joined: UnixDate; expHistory: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; mutedTill?: UnixDate | null | undefined; questParticipation?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }[] ; name?: null | string ; name_lower?: null | string ; preferredGames: readonly ("QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD")[] ; publiclyListed?: null | boolean ; ranks: { default: boolean; name: string; tag?: string | null | undefined; created?: UnixDate | null | undefined; priority?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; tag?: null | string ; tagColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" }) => number }>> ; getLevel: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => number ; getRecentGames: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => Promise<Readonly<{ date?: null | UnixDate ; ended?: null | UnixDate ; gameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; map?: null | string ; mode?: null | string }>[]> ; getSession: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => Promise<null | Readonly<{ gameType?: null | string ; map?: null | string ; mode?: null | string ; online?: null | boolean }>> }>>

Retrieve data of the player with the given username from the Hypixel API via the /player endpoint.


namestringThe username of the player.
direct?booleanWhether to directly fetch the data from the Hypixel API without converting the username into a UUID first (default: false). This is a feature of the Hypixel API that is deprecated and no longer recommended due to the ability to change Minecraft usernames. The "name" property is based on the last name that a player connected to the Hypixel Network with. If the player "Steve" changes their name to "NotSteve", the name lookup for "NotSteve" will not Steve's data until Steve reconnects. Further, if another player previously had the username "NotSteve" but also has not connected to Hypixel since changing their name, then their data may be returned instead. If this is not what you want, set this option to false and their username will be converted to a UUID via The Mojang API. Looking up data for a username directly is heavily rate limited per player. Attempts to call this method more than once per name approximately every five minutes will result in a 429 response.
raw?falseWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelPlayer object. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.


Promise<undefined | null | Readonly<{ SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string } & { getGuild: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => Promise<undefined | null | Readonly<{ _id: string ; achievements: Readonly<Partial<Record<"EXPERIENCE_KINGS" | "WINNERS" | "ONLINE_PLAYERS", number>>> ; banner?: null | Readonly<{ Base: number; Patterns: readonly Readonly<{ Pattern: string; Color: string; }>[]; }> ; chatMute?: null | number ; coins?: null | number ; coinsEver?: null | number ; created?: null | UnixDate ; description?: null | string ; exp?: null | number ; guildExpByGameType: Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", number>>> ; joinable?: null | boolean ; legacyRanking?: null | number ; members: { uuid: string; rank: string; joined: UnixDate; expHistory: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; mutedTill?: UnixDate | null | undefined; questParticipation?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }[] ; name?: null | string ; name_lower?: null | string ; preferredGames: readonly ("QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD")[] ; publiclyListed?: null | boolean ; ranks: { default: boolean; name: string; tag?: string | null | undefined; created?: UnixDate | null | undefined; priority?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; tag?: null | string ; tagColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" } & { getLevel: (this: { _id: string ; achievements: Readonly<Partial<Record<"EXPERIENCE_KINGS" | "WINNERS" | "ONLINE_PLAYERS", number>>> ; banner?: null | Readonly<{ Base: number; Patterns: readonly Readonly<{ Pattern: string; Color: string; }>[]; }> ; chatMute?: null | number ; coins?: null | number ; coinsEver?: null | number ; created?: null | UnixDate ; description?: null | string ; exp?: null | number ; guildExpByGameType: Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", number>>> ; joinable?: null | boolean ; legacyRanking?: null | number ; members: { uuid: string; rank: string; joined: UnixDate; expHistory: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; mutedTill?: UnixDate | null | undefined; questParticipation?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }[] ; name?: null | string ; name_lower?: null | string ; preferredGames: readonly ("QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD")[] ; publiclyListed?: null | boolean ; ranks: { default: boolean; name: string; tag?: string | null | undefined; created?: UnixDate | null | undefined; priority?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; tag?: null | string ; tagColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" }) => number }>> ; getLevel: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => number ; getRecentGames: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => Promise<Readonly<{ date?: null | UnixDate ; ended?: null | UnixDate ; gameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; map?: null | string ; mode?: null | string }>[]> ; getSession: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => Promise<null | Readonly<{ gameType?: null | string ; map?: null | string ; mode?: null | string ; online?: null | boolean }>> }>>

A Promise that resolves with a HypixelPlayer object containing all the data of the player, or null if the player is not found.



  • Error if an invalid Hypixel API key was provided to the constructor.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API or Mojang API fail
  • Error if the Hypixel API or Mojang API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in


getPlayer(uuid, raw?): Promise<undefined | null | Readonly<{ SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string } & { getGuild: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => Promise<undefined | null | Readonly<{ _id: string ; achievements: Readonly<Partial<Record<"EXPERIENCE_KINGS" | "WINNERS" | "ONLINE_PLAYERS", number>>> ; banner?: null | Readonly<{ Base: number; Patterns: readonly Readonly<{ Pattern: string; Color: string; }>[]; }> ; chatMute?: null | number ; coins?: null | number ; coinsEver?: null | number ; created?: null | UnixDate ; description?: null | string ; exp?: null | number ; guildExpByGameType: Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", number>>> ; joinable?: null | boolean ; legacyRanking?: null | number ; members: { uuid: string; rank: string; joined: UnixDate; expHistory: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; mutedTill?: UnixDate | null | undefined; questParticipation?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }[] ; name?: null | string ; name_lower?: null | string ; preferredGames: readonly ("QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD")[] ; publiclyListed?: null | boolean ; ranks: { default: boolean; name: string; tag?: string | null | undefined; created?: UnixDate | null | undefined; priority?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; tag?: null | string ; tagColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" } & { getLevel: (this: { _id: string ; achievements: Readonly<Partial<Record<"EXPERIENCE_KINGS" | "WINNERS" | "ONLINE_PLAYERS", number>>> ; banner?: null | Readonly<{ Base: number; Patterns: readonly Readonly<{ Pattern: string; Color: string; }>[]; }> ; chatMute?: null | number ; coins?: null | number ; coinsEver?: null | number ; created?: null | UnixDate ; description?: null | string ; exp?: null | number ; guildExpByGameType: Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", number>>> ; joinable?: null | boolean ; legacyRanking?: null | number ; members: { uuid: string; rank: string; joined: UnixDate; expHistory: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; mutedTill?: UnixDate | null | undefined; questParticipation?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }[] ; name?: null | string ; name_lower?: null | string ; preferredGames: readonly ("QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD")[] ; publiclyListed?: null | boolean ; ranks: { default: boolean; name: string; tag?: string | null | undefined; created?: UnixDate | null | undefined; priority?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; tag?: null | string ; tagColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" }) => number }>> ; getLevel: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => number ; getRecentGames: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => Promise<Readonly<{ date?: null | UnixDate ; ended?: null | UnixDate ; gameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; map?: null | string ; mode?: null | string }>[]> ; getSession: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => Promise<null | Readonly<{ gameType?: null | string ; map?: null | string ; mode?: null | string ; online?: null | boolean }>> }>>

Retrieve data of a specific player from the Hypixel API via the /player endpoint using a player UUID.


uuidstringThe UUID of the player. If a player with the given UUID is not in Hypixels database, null will be returned.
raw?falseWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelPlayer object. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.


Promise<undefined | null | Readonly<{ SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string } & { getGuild: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => Promise<undefined | null | Readonly<{ _id: string ; achievements: Readonly<Partial<Record<"EXPERIENCE_KINGS" | "WINNERS" | "ONLINE_PLAYERS", number>>> ; banner?: null | Readonly<{ Base: number; Patterns: readonly Readonly<{ Pattern: string; Color: string; }>[]; }> ; chatMute?: null | number ; coins?: null | number ; coinsEver?: null | number ; created?: null | UnixDate ; description?: null | string ; exp?: null | number ; guildExpByGameType: Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", number>>> ; joinable?: null | boolean ; legacyRanking?: null | number ; members: { uuid: string; rank: string; joined: UnixDate; expHistory: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; mutedTill?: UnixDate | null | undefined; questParticipation?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }[] ; name?: null | string ; name_lower?: null | string ; preferredGames: readonly ("QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD")[] ; publiclyListed?: null | boolean ; ranks: { default: boolean; name: string; tag?: string | null | undefined; created?: UnixDate | null | undefined; priority?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; tag?: null | string ; tagColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" } & { getLevel: (this: { _id: string ; achievements: Readonly<Partial<Record<"EXPERIENCE_KINGS" | "WINNERS" | "ONLINE_PLAYERS", number>>> ; banner?: null | Readonly<{ Base: number; Patterns: readonly Readonly<{ Pattern: string; Color: string; }>[]; }> ; chatMute?: null | number ; coins?: null | number ; coinsEver?: null | number ; created?: null | UnixDate ; description?: null | string ; exp?: null | number ; guildExpByGameType: Readonly<Partial<Record<"QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD", number>>> ; joinable?: null | boolean ; legacyRanking?: null | number ; members: { uuid: string; rank: string; joined: UnixDate; expHistory: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; mutedTill?: UnixDate | null | undefined; questParticipation?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }[] ; name?: null | string ; name_lower?: null | string ; preferredGames: readonly ("QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD")[] ; publiclyListed?: null | boolean ; ranks: { default: boolean; name: string; tag?: string | null | undefined; created?: UnixDate | null | undefined; priority?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; tag?: null | string ; tagColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" }) => number }>> ; getLevel: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => number ; getRecentGames: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => Promise<Readonly<{ date?: null | UnixDate ; ended?: null | UnixDate ; gameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; map?: null | string ; mode?: null | string }>[]> ; getSession: (this: { SANTA_FINISHED?: null | boolean ; SANTA_QUEST_STARTED?: null | boolean ; _id: string ; achievementPoints?: null | number ; achievementRewardsNew: Readonly<Record<string, UnixDate>> ; achievementSync?: null | Readonly<{ quake_tiered?: number | null | undefined; }> ; achievementTotem?: null | Readonly<{ unlockedParts: readonly string[]; selectedPart: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slot_${number}`, string>>>; unlockedColors: readonly string[]; selectedColors: Readonly<Partial<Record<`slotcolor_${number}`, string>>>; canCustomize?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; allowed_max_height?: number | ... 1 more ... | undef...> ; achievementTracking?: null | readonly string[] ; achievements: Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; achievementsOneTime: readonly string[] ; adsense_tokens?: null | number ; adventureTester?: null | boolean ; autoDetectLanguage?: null | boolean ; auto_spawn_pet?: null | boolean ; battlePassGlowStatus?: null | boolean ; challenges: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<string, number>>>> ; channel?: null | string ; chat?: null | boolean ; cooldowns?: null | Readonly<{ fun: Readonly<Record<string, number>>; }> ; currentClickEffect?: null | string ; currentGadget?: null | string ; currentPet?: null | string ; disguise?: null | string ; displayname?: null | string ; eugene?: null | Readonly<{ dailyTwoKExp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; weekly_booster?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> ; eulaCoins?: null | boolean ; fireworkStorage?: null | readonly Readonly<{ flight_duration?: number | null | undefined; shape?: "BURST" | "STAR" | "BALL_LARGE" | "BALL" | "CREEPER" | null | undefined; trail?: boolean | null | undefined; twinkle?: boolean | null | undefined; colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; fade_colors?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; selected?: boolean...>[] ; firstLogin?: null | UnixDate ; flashingNewsOpens?: null | number ; flashingNewsPoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingNewsPopup?: null | readonly number[] ; flashingSaleOpens?: null | number ; flashingSalePoppedUp?: null | number ; flashingSalePopup?: null | UnixDate ; fortuneBuff?: null | number ; gadget?: null | string ; giftingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ milestones: readonly string[]; rankgiftingmilestones: readonly string[]; giftsGiven?: number | null | undefined; bundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesGiven?: number | null | undefined; realBundlesReceivedInc?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; bundlesReceived?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefine...> ; guildNotifications?: null | boolean ; housingMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; allowedBlocks: readonly string[]; selectedChannels_v3: readonly string[]; tutorialStep?: string | null | undefined; visibilityDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined; toggle_BORDER?: boolean | null | undefined; ... 4 more ...; plotSize?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; karma?: null | number ; lastAdsenseGenerateTime?: null | UnixDate ; lastClaimedReward?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogin?: null | UnixDate ; lastLogout?: null | UnixDate ; legacyGolem?: null | boolean ; leveling: { claimedRewards: readonly number[]; } ; monthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; monthlyRankColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; monthlycrates: Readonly<Record<string, { REGULAR?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP?: boolean | null | undefined; VIP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP?: boolean | null | undefined; MVP_PLUS?: boolean | null | undefined; }>> ; mostRecentGameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; mostRecentMinecraftVersion?: null | number ; mostRecentMonthlyPackageRank?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThanked?: null | string ; mostRecentlyThankedUuid?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTipped?: null | string ; mostRecentlyTippedUuid?: null | string ; networkExp?: null | number ; network_update_book?: null | string ; newPackageRank?: null | string ; notifications?: null | boolean ; onetime_achievement_menu_sort_completion_sort?: null | string ; packageRank?: null | string ; parkourCheckpointBests: Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<Record<number, number>>>> ; parkourCompletions?: null | Readonly<Record<string, Readonly<{ timeStart: UnixDate; timeTook: number; }>[]>> ; petConsumables: Readonly<Partial<Record<"CARROT_ITEM" | "BAKED_POTATO" | "FEATHER" | "ROTTEN_FLESH" | "SLIME_BALL" | "COOKED_BEEF" | "RAW_FISH" | "WATER_BUCKET" | "WOOD_SWORD" | "MILK_BUCKET" | "GOLD_RECORD" | "PORK" | "PUMPKIN_PIE" | "LEASH" | "LAVA_BUCKET" | "MAGMA_CREAM" | "WHEAT" | "HAY_BLOCK" | "BREAD" | "RED_ROSE" | "STICK" | "BONE" | "APPLE" | "MUSHROOM_SOUP" | "COOKIE" | "CAKE" | "MELON", number>>> ; petJourneyTimestamp?: null | UnixDate ; petStats: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ THIRST?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; HUNGER?: Readonly<{ value?: number | null | undefined; timestamp?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; EXERCISE?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; experience?:...>>> ; playername?: null | string ; plotResets?: null | Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; uuid?: string | null | undefined; }> ; questSettings?: null | Readonly<{ autoActivate?: boolean | null | undefined; }> ; quests: Readonly<Record<string, { completions: readonly Readonly<{ time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>[]; active?: Readonly<{ objectives: Readonly<Record<string, number | boolean>>; started?: UnixDate | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; rank?: null | string ; rankPlusColor?: null | "BLACK" | "DARK_BLUE" | "DARK_GREEN" | "DARK_AQUA" | "DARK_RED" | "DARK_PURPLE" | "GOLD" | "GRAY" | "DARK_GRAY" | "BLUE" | "GREEN" | "AQUA" | "RED" | "LIGHT_PURPLE" | "YELLOW" | "WHITE" | "OBFUSCATED" | "BOLD" | "STRIKE" | "UNDERLINE" | "ITALIC" | "RESET" ; rewardConsumed?: null | boolean ; rewardHighScore?: null | number ; rewardScore?: null | number ; rewardStreak?: null | number ; seasonal: Readonly<Record<string, any>> ; seeRequests?: null | boolean ; sendCerberusMessages?: null | boolean ; skyblock_free_cookie?: null | UnixDate ; socialMedia?: null | Readonly<{ links?: Readonly<{ TWITTER?: string | URL | null | undefined; YOUTUBE?: string | URL | null | undefined; INSTAGRAM?: string | URL | null | undefined; TWITCH?: string | URL | null | undefined; HYPIXEL?: string | ... 2 more ... | undefined; DISCORD?: string | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> | null | undefined; prompt...> ; specialtyCooldowns: Readonly<Record<string, boolean>> ; spectators_invisible?: null | boolean ; stats?: any ; testPass?: null | boolean ; thanksReceived?: null | number ; thanksSent?: null | number ; timePlaying?: null | number ; totalDailyRewards?: null | number ; totalRewards?: null | number ; tournamentTokens?: null | number ; tourney?: null | Readonly<Readonly<{ first_join_lobby?: UnixDate | null | undefined; total_tributes?: number | null | undefined; }>> | Readonly<Record<string, undefined | null | Readonly<{ tributes_earned?: number | null | undefined; first_win?: UnixDate | null | undefined; playtime?: number | null | undefined; claimed_ranking_reward?: UnixDate | null | undefined; }>>> ; transformation?: null | string ; userLanguage?: null | string ; uuid: string ; vanityConvertedBoxToday?: null | number ; vanityFavorites?: null | string ; vanityFirstConvertedBox?: null | UnixDate ; vanityMeta?: null | Readonly<{ packages: readonly string[]; }> ; voting?: null | Readonly<Record<string, number>> ; wardrobe?: null | string }) => Promise<null | Readonly<{ gameType?: null | string ; map?: null | string ; mode?: null | string ; online?: null | boolean }>> }>>

A Promise that resolves with a HypixelPlayer object containing all the data of the player, or null if the player is not found.



  • Error if an invalid Hypixel API key was provided to the constructor.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in


getPlayer(name, direct?, raw?): Promise<RawResponse>

Retrieve data of the player with the given username from the Hypixel API via the /player endpoint.


namestringThe username of the player.
direct?booleanWhether to directly fetch the data from the Hypixel API without converting the username into a UUID first (default: false). This is a feature of the Hypixel API that is deprecated and no longer recommended due to the ability to change Minecraft usernames. The "name" property is based on the last name that a player connected to the Hypixel Network with. If the player "Steve" changes their name to "NotSteve", the name lookup for "NotSteve" will not Steve's data until Steve reconnects. Further, if another player previously had the username "NotSteve" but also has not connected to Hypixel since changing their name, then their data may be returned instead. If this is not what you want, set this option to false and their username will be converted to a UUID via The Mojang API. Looking up data for a username directly is heavily rate limited per player. Attempts to call this method more than once per name approximately every five minutes will result in a 429 response.
raw?trueWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelPlayer object. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.



A Promise that resolves with a RawResponse containing the raw data fetched from the Hypixel API.



  • Error if an invalid Hypixel API key was provided to the constructor.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in


getPlayer(uuid, raw?): Promise<RawResponse>

Retrieve data of a specific player from the Hypixel API via the /player endpoint using a player UUID.


uuidstringThe UUID of the player. If a player with the given UUID is not in Hypixels database, null will be returned.
raw?trueWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelPlayer object. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.



A Promise that resolves with a RawResponse containing the raw data fetched from the Hypixel API.



  • Error if an invalid Hypixel API key was provided to the constructor.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in



getPlayerCounts(raw?): Promise<objectOutputType<{ cause: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>> ; games: ZodRecord<ZodEnum<["QUAKECRAFT", "SKYCLASH", "BUILD_BATTLE", "UHC", "LEGACY", "SKYBLOCK", "HOUSING", "MCGO", "WOOL_GAMES", "SURVIVAL_GAMES", "BATTLEGROUND", "MURDER_MYSTERY", "ARCADE", "ARENA", "TNTGAMES"]>, ZodEffects<ZodReadonly<ZodDefault<ZodObject<{ modes: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodNumber>>> ; players: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodNumber>> }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { modes?: null | Record<string, number> ; players?: null | number }, { modes?: null | Record<string, number> ; players?: null | number }>>>, Readonly<{ modes?: null | Record<string, number> ; players?: null | number }>, undefined | { modes?: null | Record<string, number> ; players?: null | number }>> ; global: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>> ; playerCount: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodNumber>> ; success: ZodBoolean ; throttle: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>> }, ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">>

Retrieve a map of Hypixel game modes and their respective player counts from the Hypixel API via the /counts endpoint.


raw?falseWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelPlayerCounts object. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.


Promise<objectOutputType<{ cause: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>> ; games: ZodRecord<ZodEnum<["QUAKECRAFT", "SKYCLASH", "BUILD_BATTLE", "UHC", "LEGACY", "SKYBLOCK", "HOUSING", "MCGO", "WOOL_GAMES", "SURVIVAL_GAMES", "BATTLEGROUND", "MURDER_MYSTERY", "ARCADE", "ARENA", "TNTGAMES"]>, ZodEffects<ZodReadonly<ZodDefault<ZodObject<{ modes: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodNumber>>> ; players: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodNumber>> }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { modes?: null | Record<string, number> ; players?: null | number }, { modes?: null | Record<string, number> ; players?: null | number }>>>, Readonly<{ modes?: null | Record<string, number> ; players?: null | number }>, undefined | { modes?: null | Record<string, number> ; players?: null | number }>> ; global: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>> ; playerCount: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodNumber>> ; success: ZodBoolean ; throttle: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>> }, ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">>

A Promise that resolves with a HypixelPlayerCounts object.



  • Error if an invalid Hypixel API key was provided to the constructor.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in


getPlayerCounts(raw?): Promise<RawResponse>

Retrieve a map of Hypixel game modes and their respective player counts from the Hypixel API via the /counts endpoint.


raw?trueWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelPlayerCounts object. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.



A Promise that resolves with a RawResponse containing the raw data fetched from the Hypixel API.



  • Error if an invalid Hypixel API key was provided to the constructor.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in



getPunishmentStatistics(raw?): Promise<objectOutputType<{ cause: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>> ; global: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>> ; staff_rollingDaily: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodNumber>> ; staff_total: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodNumber>> ; success: ZodBoolean ; throttle: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>> ; watchdog_lastMinute: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodNumber>> ; watchdog_rollingDaily: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodNumber>> ; watchdog_total: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodNumber>> }, ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">>

Retrieve an object containing the latest punishment statistics from the Hypixel API via the /punishmentstats endpoint.


raw?falseWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelPunishmentStatistics object. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.


Promise<objectOutputType<{ cause: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>> ; global: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>> ; staff_rollingDaily: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodNumber>> ; staff_total: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodNumber>> ; success: ZodBoolean ; throttle: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>> ; watchdog_lastMinute: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodNumber>> ; watchdog_rollingDaily: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodNumber>> ; watchdog_total: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodNumber>> }, ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">>

A Promise that resolves with a HypixelPunishmentStatistics object.



  • Error if an invalid Hypixel API key was provided to the constructor.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in


getPunishmentStatistics(raw?): Promise<RawResponse>

Retrieve an object containing the latest punishment statistics from the Hypixel API via the /punishmentstats endpoint.


raw?trueWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelPunishmentStatistics object. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.



A Promise that resolves with a RawResponse containing the raw data fetched from the Hypixel API.



  • Error if an invalid Hypixel API key was provided to the constructor.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in



getRecentGames(uuid, raw?): Promise<Readonly<{ date?: null | UnixDate ; ended?: null | UnixDate ; gameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; map?: null | string ; mode?: null | string }>[]>

Retrieve the list of a specific player's recently played games from the Hypixel API via the /recentgames endpoint.


uuidstringThe UUID of the player. If a player with the given UUID is not in Hypixels database, or if the player has not recently played any games, an empty array will be returned.
raw?falseWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelRecentGame array. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.


Promise<Readonly<{ date?: null | UnixDate ; ended?: null | UnixDate ; gameType?: null | "QUAKECRAFT" | "SKYCLASH" | "BUILD_BATTLE" | "UHC" | "LEGACY" | "SKYBLOCK" | "HOUSING" | "MCGO" | "WOOL_GAMES" | "SURVIVAL_GAMES" | "BATTLEGROUND" | "MURDER_MYSTERY" | "ARCADE" | "ARENA" | "TNTGAMES" | "WALLS" | "SKYWARS" | "VAMPIREZ" | "PROTOTYPE" | "WALLS3" | "BEDWARS" | "PAINTBALL" | "SUPER_SMASH" | "SMP" | "REPLAY" | "TRUE_COMBAT" | "PIT" | "SPEED_UHC" | "DUELS" | "GINGERBREAD" ; map?: null | string ; mode?: null | string }>[]>

A Promise that resolves with an array of HypixelRecentGame objects, or an empty array if none are found or the player does not exist.



  • Error if an invalid Hypixel API key was provided to the constructor.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in


getRecentGames(uuid, raw?): Promise<RawResponse>

Retrieve the list of a specific player's recently played games from the Hypixel API via the /recentgames endpoint.


uuidstringThe UUID of the player. If a player with the given UUID is not in Hypixels database, or if the player has not recently played any games, an empty array will be returned.
raw?trueWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelRecentGame array. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.



A Promise that resolves with a RawResponse containing the raw data fetched from the Hypixel API.



  • Error if an invalid Hypixel API key was provided to the constructor.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in



getResources(): HypixelResources

Get the HypixelResources instance used by this HypixelAPI.



The HypixelResources instance.



Defined in



getSkyBlockAuctionById(id, raw?): Promise<null | { auctioneer: string ; bids: readonly Readonly<{ timestamp: UnixDate; profile_id: string; auction_id: string; bidder: string; amount?: number | null | undefined; }>[] ; bin?: null | boolean ; category?: null | string ; claimed?: null | boolean ; claimed_bidders: readonly string[] ; coop: readonly string[] ; end: UnixDate ; extra?: null | string ; highest_bid_amount?: null | number ; item_bytes?: null | string ; item_lore?: null | string ; item_name: string ; item_uuid?: null | string ; last_updated: UnixDate ; profile_id: string ; start: UnixDate ; starting_bid?: null | number ; tier?: null | string ; uuid: string }>

Retrieve a currently active SkyBlock auction from its auction ID from the Hypixel API via the /skyblock/auction endpoint.


idstringThe ID of the auction to fetch. This is a v4 UUID, with or without dashes.
raw?falseWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelSkyBlockAuction object. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.


Promise<null | { auctioneer: string ; bids: readonly Readonly<{ timestamp: UnixDate; profile_id: string; auction_id: string; bidder: string; amount?: number | null | undefined; }>[] ; bin?: null | boolean ; category?: null | string ; claimed?: null | boolean ; claimed_bidders: readonly string[] ; coop: readonly string[] ; end: UnixDate ; extra?: null | string ; highest_bid_amount?: null | number ; item_bytes?: null | string ; item_lore?: null | string ; item_name: string ; item_uuid?: null | string ; last_updated: UnixDate ; profile_id: string ; start: UnixDate ; starting_bid?: null | number ; tier?: null | string ; uuid: string }>

A Promise that resolves with a HypixelSkyBlockAuction object, or null if an auction with the given ID could not be found.



  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in


getSkyBlockAuctionById(id, raw?): Promise<RawResponse>

Retrieve a currently active SkyBlock auction from its auction ID from the Hypixel API via the /skyblock/auction endpoint.


idstringThe ID of the auction to fetch. This is a v4 UUID, with or without dashes.
raw?trueWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelSkyBlockAuction object. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.



A Promise that resolves with a RawResponse containing the raw data fetched from the Hypixel API.



  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in



getSkyBlockAuctions(page?, raw?): Promise<objectOutputType<{ auctions: ZodReadonly<ZodDefault<ZodArray<ZodObject<{ auctioneer: ZodString ; bids: ZodReadonly<ZodDefault<ZodArray<ZodReadonly<ZodObject<{ amount: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodNumber>> ; auction_id: ZodString ; bidder: ZodString ; profile_id: ZodString ; timestamp: ZodReadonly<ZodEffects<ZodType<UnixDate, ZodTypeDef, UnixDate>, UnixDate, UnixDate>> }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { amount?: null | number ; auction_id: string ; bidder: string ; profile_id: string ; timestamp: UnixDate }, { amount?: null | number ; auction_id: string ; bidder: string ; profile_id: string ; timestamp: UnixDate }>>, "many">>> ; bin: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>> ; category: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>> ; claimed: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>> ; claimed_bidders: ZodReadonly<ZodDefault<ZodArray<ZodString, "many">>> ; coop: ZodReadonly<ZodDefault<ZodArray<ZodString, "many">>> ; end: ZodReadonly<ZodEffects<ZodType<UnixDate, ZodTypeDef, UnixDate>, UnixDate, UnixDate>> ; extra: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>> ; highest_bid_amount: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodNumber>> ; item_bytes: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>> ; item_lore: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>> ; item_name: ZodString ; item_uuid: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>> ; last_updated: ZodReadonly<ZodEffects<ZodType<UnixDate, ZodTypeDef, UnixDate>, UnixDate, UnixDate>> ; profile_id: ZodString ; start: ZodReadonly<ZodEffects<ZodType<UnixDate, ZodTypeDef, UnixDate>, UnixDate, UnixDate>> ; starting_bid: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodNumber>> ; tier: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>> ; uuid: ZodString }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { auctioneer: string ; bids: readonly Readonly<{ timestamp: UnixDate; profile_id: string; auction_id: string; bidder: string; amount?: number | null | undefined; }>[] ; bin?: null | boolean ; category?: null | string ; claimed?: null | boolean ; claimed_bidders: readonly string[] ; coop: readonly string[] ; end: UnixDate ; extra?: null | string ; highest_bid_amount?: null | number ; item_bytes?: null | string ; item_lore?: null | string ; item_name: string ; item_uuid?: null | string ; last_updated: UnixDate ; profile_id: string ; start: UnixDate ; starting_bid?: null | number ; tier?: null | string ; uuid: string }, { auctioneer: string ; bids?: { timestamp: UnixDate; profile_id: string; auction_id: string; bidder: string; amount?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; bin?: null | boolean ; category?: null | string ; claimed?: null | boolean ; claimed_bidders?: string[] ; coop?: string[] ; end: UnixDate ; extra?: null | string ; highest_bid_amount?: null | number ; item_bytes?: null | string ; item_lore?: null | string ; item_name: string ; item_uuid?: null | string ; last_updated: UnixDate ; profile_id: string ; start: UnixDate ; starting_bid?: null | number ; tier?: null | string ; uuid: string }>, "many">>> ; cause: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>> ; global: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>> ; lastUpdated: ZodReadonly<ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodEffects<ZodType<UnixDate, ZodTypeDef, UnixDate>, UnixDate, UnixDate>>>> ; page: ZodNumber ; success: ZodBoolean ; throttle: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>> ; totalAuctions: ZodNumber ; totalPages: ZodNumber }, ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">>

Retrieve a page of currently active SkyBlock auctions from the Hypixel API via the /skyblock/auctions endpoint. This data is paginated, and is cached by Hypixel for 60 seconds at a time. This method does not contribute towards your rate limit cap.


page?numberThe page number to fetch. Pages are zero-indexed, meaning the first page is page 0.
raw?falseWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelSkyBlockAuctions object. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.


Promise<objectOutputType<{ auctions: ZodReadonly<ZodDefault<ZodArray<ZodObject<{ auctioneer: ZodString ; bids: ZodReadonly<ZodDefault<ZodArray<ZodReadonly<ZodObject<{ amount: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodNumber>> ; auction_id: ZodString ; bidder: ZodString ; profile_id: ZodString ; timestamp: ZodReadonly<ZodEffects<ZodType<UnixDate, ZodTypeDef, UnixDate>, UnixDate, UnixDate>> }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { amount?: null | number ; auction_id: string ; bidder: string ; profile_id: string ; timestamp: UnixDate }, { amount?: null | number ; auction_id: string ; bidder: string ; profile_id: string ; timestamp: UnixDate }>>, "many">>> ; bin: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>> ; category: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>> ; claimed: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>> ; claimed_bidders: ZodReadonly<ZodDefault<ZodArray<ZodString, "many">>> ; coop: ZodReadonly<ZodDefault<ZodArray<ZodString, "many">>> ; end: ZodReadonly<ZodEffects<ZodType<UnixDate, ZodTypeDef, UnixDate>, UnixDate, UnixDate>> ; extra: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>> ; highest_bid_amount: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodNumber>> ; item_bytes: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>> ; item_lore: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>> ; item_name: ZodString ; item_uuid: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>> ; last_updated: ZodReadonly<ZodEffects<ZodType<UnixDate, ZodTypeDef, UnixDate>, UnixDate, UnixDate>> ; profile_id: ZodString ; start: ZodReadonly<ZodEffects<ZodType<UnixDate, ZodTypeDef, UnixDate>, UnixDate, UnixDate>> ; starting_bid: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodNumber>> ; tier: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>> ; uuid: ZodString }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { auctioneer: string ; bids: readonly Readonly<{ timestamp: UnixDate; profile_id: string; auction_id: string; bidder: string; amount?: number | null | undefined; }>[] ; bin?: null | boolean ; category?: null | string ; claimed?: null | boolean ; claimed_bidders: readonly string[] ; coop: readonly string[] ; end: UnixDate ; extra?: null | string ; highest_bid_amount?: null | number ; item_bytes?: null | string ; item_lore?: null | string ; item_name: string ; item_uuid?: null | string ; last_updated: UnixDate ; profile_id: string ; start: UnixDate ; starting_bid?: null | number ; tier?: null | string ; uuid: string }, { auctioneer: string ; bids?: { timestamp: UnixDate; profile_id: string; auction_id: string; bidder: string; amount?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; bin?: null | boolean ; category?: null | string ; claimed?: null | boolean ; claimed_bidders?: string[] ; coop?: string[] ; end: UnixDate ; extra?: null | string ; highest_bid_amount?: null | number ; item_bytes?: null | string ; item_lore?: null | string ; item_name: string ; item_uuid?: null | string ; last_updated: UnixDate ; profile_id: string ; start: UnixDate ; starting_bid?: null | number ; tier?: null | string ; uuid: string }>, "many">>> ; cause: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>> ; global: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>> ; lastUpdated: ZodReadonly<ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodEffects<ZodType<UnixDate, ZodTypeDef, UnixDate>, UnixDate, UnixDate>>>> ; page: ZodNumber ; success: ZodBoolean ; throttle: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>> ; totalAuctions: ZodNumber ; totalPages: ZodNumber }, ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">>

A Promise that resolves with a HypixelSkyBlockAuctions object.



  • Error if the passed page number does not exist.
  • Error if Hypixel is currently accumulating the list of auctions and is not ready to respond to your request. Try again shortly.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed

Defined in


getSkyBlockAuctions(page?, raw?): Promise<RawResponse>

Retrieve a page of currently active SkyBlock auctions from the Hypixel API via the /skyblock/auctions endpoint. This data is paginated, and is cached by Hypixel for 60 seconds at a time. This method does not contribute towards your rate limit cap.


page?numberThe page number to fetch. Pages are zero-indexed, meaning the first page is page 0.
raw?trueWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelSkyBlockAuctions object. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.



A Promise that resolves with a RawResponse containing the raw data fetched from the Hypixel API.



  • Error if the passed page number does not exist.
  • Error if Hypixel is currently accumulating the list of auctions and is not ready to respond to your request. Try again shortly.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed

Defined in



getSkyBlockAuctionsByPlayer(playerUuid, raw?): Promise<{ auctioneer: string ; bids: readonly Readonly<{ timestamp: UnixDate; profile_id: string; auction_id: string; bidder: string; amount?: number | null | undefined; }>[] ; bin?: null | boolean ; category?: null | string ; claimed?: null | boolean ; claimed_bidders: readonly string[] ; coop: readonly string[] ; end: UnixDate ; extra?: null | string ; highest_bid_amount?: null | number ; item_bytes?: null | string ; item_lore?: null | string ; item_name: string ; item_uuid?: null | string ; last_updated: UnixDate ; profile_id: string ; start: UnixDate ; starting_bid?: null | number ; tier?: null | string ; uuid: string }[]>

Retrieve a list of currently active SkyBlock auctions started by a given player from the Hypixel API via the /skyblock/auction endpoint.


playerUuidstringThe UUID of the player whose auctions should be fetched.
raw?falseWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of an array of HypixelSkyBlockAuction objects. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.


Promise<{ auctioneer: string ; bids: readonly Readonly<{ timestamp: UnixDate; profile_id: string; auction_id: string; bidder: string; amount?: number | null | undefined; }>[] ; bin?: null | boolean ; category?: null | string ; claimed?: null | boolean ; claimed_bidders: readonly string[] ; coop: readonly string[] ; end: UnixDate ; extra?: null | string ; highest_bid_amount?: null | number ; item_bytes?: null | string ; item_lore?: null | string ; item_name: string ; item_uuid?: null | string ; last_updated: UnixDate ; profile_id: string ; start: UnixDate ; starting_bid?: null | number ; tier?: null | string ; uuid: string }[]>

A Promise that resolves with an array of HypixelSkyBlockAuction objects.



  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in


getSkyBlockAuctionsByPlayer(playerUuid, raw?): Promise<RawResponse>

Retrieve a list of currently active SkyBlock auctions started by a given player from the Hypixel API via the /skyblock/auction endpoint.


playerUuidstringThe UUID of the player whose auctions should be fetched.
raw?trueWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of an array of HypixelSkyBlockAuction objects. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.



A Promise that resolves with a RawResponse containing the raw data fetched from the Hypixel API.



  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in



getSkyBlockAuctionsByProfile(profileId, raw?): Promise<{ auctioneer: string ; bids: readonly Readonly<{ timestamp: UnixDate; profile_id: string; auction_id: string; bidder: string; amount?: number | null | undefined; }>[] ; bin?: null | boolean ; category?: null | string ; claimed?: null | boolean ; claimed_bidders: readonly string[] ; coop: readonly string[] ; end: UnixDate ; extra?: null | string ; highest_bid_amount?: null | number ; item_bytes?: null | string ; item_lore?: null | string ; item_name: string ; item_uuid?: null | string ; last_updated: UnixDate ; profile_id: string ; start: UnixDate ; starting_bid?: null | number ; tier?: null | string ; uuid: string }[]>

Retrieve a list of currently active SkyBlock auctions started by a given SkyBlock profile from the Hypixel API via the /skyblock/auction endpoint.


profileIdstringThe ID of the SkyBlock profile whose auctions should be fetched. This should be a v4 UUID.
raw?falseWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of an array of HypixelSkyBlockAuction objects. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.


Promise<{ auctioneer: string ; bids: readonly Readonly<{ timestamp: UnixDate; profile_id: string; auction_id: string; bidder: string; amount?: number | null | undefined; }>[] ; bin?: null | boolean ; category?: null | string ; claimed?: null | boolean ; claimed_bidders: readonly string[] ; coop: readonly string[] ; end: UnixDate ; extra?: null | string ; highest_bid_amount?: null | number ; item_bytes?: null | string ; item_lore?: null | string ; item_name: string ; item_uuid?: null | string ; last_updated: UnixDate ; profile_id: string ; start: UnixDate ; starting_bid?: null | number ; tier?: null | string ; uuid: string }[]>

A Promise that resolves with an array of HypixelSkyBlockAuction objects.



  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in


getSkyBlockAuctionsByProfile(profileId, raw?): Promise<RawResponse>

Retrieve a list of currently active SkyBlock auctions started by a given SkyBlock profile from the Hypixel API via the /skyblock/auction endpoint.


profileIdstringThe ID of the SkyBlock profile whose auctions should be fetched. This should be a v4 UUID.
raw?trueWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of an array of HypixelSkyBlockAuction objects. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.



A Promise that resolves with a RawResponse containing the raw data fetched from the Hypixel API.



  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in



getSkyBlockBazaarProducts(raw?): Promise<Record<string, { buy_summary: readonly { amount?: number | null | undefined; pricePerUnit?: number | null | undefined; orders?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; product_id: string ; quick_status: Readonly<{ productId: string; sellPrice?: number | null | undefined; sellVolume?: number | null | undefined; sellMovingWeek?: number | null | undefined; sellOrders?: number | null | undefined; buyPrice?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; buyVolume?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; buyMovingWeek?: number | ... 1 more ...> ; sell_summary: readonly { amount?: number | null | undefined; pricePerUnit?: number | null | undefined; orders?: number | null | undefined; }[] }>>

Retrieve a list of products for sale in the SkyBlock bazaar from the Hypixel API via the /skyblock/bazaar endpoint. This data is cached by Hypixel for 60 seconds at a time. This method does not contribute towards your rate limit cap. The response is a map of item IDs in CAMEL_CASE to HypixelSkyBlockBazaarProduct objects.


raw?falseWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a map of item IDs to HypixelSkyBlockBazaarProduct objects. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.


Promise<Record<string, { buy_summary: readonly { amount?: number | null | undefined; pricePerUnit?: number | null | undefined; orders?: number | null | undefined; }[] ; product_id: string ; quick_status: Readonly<{ productId: string; sellPrice?: number | null | undefined; sellVolume?: number | null | undefined; sellMovingWeek?: number | null | undefined; sellOrders?: number | null | undefined; buyPrice?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; buyVolume?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; buyMovingWeek?: number | ... 1 more ...> ; sell_summary: readonly { amount?: number | null | undefined; pricePerUnit?: number | null | undefined; orders?: number | null | undefined; }[] }>>

A Promise that resolves with an object mapping CAMEL_CASE item IDs to HypixelSkyBlockBazaarProduct objects.



  • Error if Hypixel is currently accumulating the list of auctions and is not ready to respond to your request. Try again shortly.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed

Defined in


getSkyBlockBazaarProducts(raw?): Promise<RawResponse>

Retrieve a list of products for sale in the SkyBlock bazaar from the Hypixel API via the /skyblock/bazaar endpoint. This data is cached by Hypixel for 60 seconds at a time. This method does not contribute towards your rate limit cap. The response is a map of item IDs in CAMEL_CASE to HypixelSkyBlockBazaarProduct objects.


raw?trueWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a map of item IDs to HypixelSkyBlockBazaarProduct objects. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.



A Promise that resolves with a RawResponse containing the raw data fetched from the Hypixel API.



  • Error if Hypixel is currently accumulating the list of auctions and is not ready to respond to your request. Try again shortly.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed

Defined in



getSkyBlockBingoProfiles(playerUuid, raw?): Promise<{ completed_goals: readonly string[] ; key: number ; points: number }[]>

Retrieve an array of a player's SkyBlock bingo profiles from the Hypixel API via the /skyblock/bingo endpoint.


playerUuidstringThe UUID of the player whose bingo profiles should be fetched.
raw?falseWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of an array of HypixelSkyBlockBingoProfile objects. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.


Promise<{ completed_goals: readonly string[] ; key: number ; points: number }[]>

A Promise that resolves with an array of HypixelSkyBlockBingoProfile objects.



  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in


getSkyBlockBingoProfiles(playerUuid, raw?): Promise<RawResponse>

Retrieve an array of a player's SkyBlock bingo profiles from the Hypixel API via the /skyblock/bingo endpoint.


playerUuidstringThe UUID of the player whose bingo profiles should be fetched.
raw?trueWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of an array of HypixelSkyBlockBingoProfile objects. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.



A Promise that resolves with a RawResponse containing the raw data fetched from the Hypixel API.



  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in



getSkyBlockEndedAuctions(raw?): Promise<{ auction_id: string ; bin?: boolean ; buyer: string ; item_bytes?: string ; price: number ; seller: string ; seller_profile: string ; timestamp: UnixDate = ZodUnixDate }[]>

Retrieve a list of SkyBlock auctions that ended within the last 60 seconds from the Hypixel API via the /skyblock/auctions_ended endpoint. This data is cached by Hypixel for 60 seconds at a time. This method does not contribute towards your rate limit cap.


raw?falseWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of an array of HypixelSkyBlockEndedAuction objects. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.


Promise<{ auction_id: string ; bin?: boolean ; buyer: string ; item_bytes?: string ; price: number ; seller: string ; seller_profile: string ; timestamp: UnixDate = ZodUnixDate }[]>

A Promise that resolves with an array of HypixelSkyBlockEndedAuction objects.



  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed

Defined in


getSkyBlockEndedAuctions(raw?): Promise<RawResponse>

Retrieve a list of SkyBlock auctions that ended within the last 60 seconds from the Hypixel API via the /skyblock/auctions_ended endpoint. This data is cached by Hypixel for 60 seconds at a time. This method does not contribute towards your rate limit cap.


raw?trueWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of an array of HypixelSkyBlockEndedAuction objects. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.



A Promise that resolves with a RawResponse containing the raw data fetched from the Hypixel API.



  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed

Defined in



getSkyBlockFiresales(raw?): Promise<{ amount: number ; end: UnixDate = ZodUnixDate; item_id: string ; price: number ; start: UnixDate = ZodUnixDate }[]>

Retrieve an array of active or upcoming SkyBlock firesales from the Hypixel API via the /skyblock/firesales endpoint. This method does not contribute towards your rate limit cap.


raw?falseWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of an array of HypixelSkyBlockFiresale objects. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.


Promise<{ amount: number ; end: UnixDate = ZodUnixDate; item_id: string ; price: number ; start: UnixDate = ZodUnixDate }[]>

A Promise that resolves with an array of HypixelSkyBlockFiresale objects.



  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed

Defined in


getSkyBlockFiresales(raw?): Promise<RawResponse>

Retrieve an array of active or upcoming SkyBlock firesales from the Hypixel API via the /skyblock/firesales endpoint. This method does not contribute towards your rate limit cap.


raw?trueWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of an array of HypixelSkyBlockFiresale objects. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.



A Promise that resolves with a RawResponse containing the raw data fetched from the Hypixel API.



  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed

Defined in



getSkyBlockMuseums(profileId, raw?): Promise<Record<string, { appraisal?: null | boolean ; items: Record<string, Readonly<{ donated_time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; borrowing?: boolean | null | undefined; items?: Readonly<{ type?: number | null | undefined; data?: string | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; value?: null | number }>>

Retrieve the museum data for a SkyBlock profile from the Hypixel API via the /skyblock/museum endpoint.


profileIdstringThe ID of the SkyBlock profile to fetch the museum data for. This should be a v4 UUID.
raw?falseWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of the parsed museum data. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.


Promise<Record<string, { appraisal?: null | boolean ; items: Record<string, Readonly<{ donated_time?: UnixDate | null | undefined; borrowing?: boolean | null | undefined; items?: Readonly<{ type?: number | null | undefined; data?: string | null | undefined; }> | null | undefined; }>> ; value?: null | number }>>

A Promise that resolves with an object mapping the UUIDs of each player in the profile to their respective HypixelSkyBlockMuseum values.



  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in


getSkyBlockMuseums(profileId, raw?): Promise<RawResponse>

Retrieve the museum data for a SkyBlock profile from the Hypixel API via the /skyblock/museum endpoint.


profileIdstringThe ID of the SkyBlock profile to fetch the museum data for. This should be a v4 UUID.
raw?trueWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of the parsed museum data. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.



A Promise that resolves with a RawResponse containing the raw data fetched from the Hypixel API.



  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in



getSkyBlockNews(raw?): Promise<{ item?: null | Readonly<{ material?: string | null | undefined; }> ; link?: null | string ; text?: null | string ; title?: null | string }[]>

Retrieve an array of the latest Hypixel SkyBlock news posts from the Hypixel API via the /skyblock/news endpoint.


raw?falseWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelSkyBlockNews array. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.


Promise<{ item?: null | Readonly<{ material?: string | null | undefined; }> ; link?: null | string ; text?: null | string ; title?: null | string }[]>

A Promise that resolves with an array of HypixelSkyBlockNews objects.



  • Error if an invalid Hypixel API key was provided to the constructor.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in


getSkyBlockNews(raw?): Promise<RawResponse>

Retrieve an array of the latest Hypixel SkyBlock news posts from the Hypixel API via the /skyblock/news endpoint.


raw?trueWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelSkyBlockNews array. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.



A Promise that resolves with a RawResponse containing the raw data fetched from the Hypixel API.



  • Error if an invalid Hypixel API key was provided to the constructor.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in



getSkyBlockProfile(profileId, raw?): Promise<null | { banking?: null | { transactions: { amount: number; timestamp: UnixDate; action: string; initiator_name: string; }[]; balance?: number | null | undefined; } ; community_upgrades?: null | { upgrade_states: readonly Readonly<{ upgrade: string; started_ms: UnixDate; started_by: string; claimed_ms: UnixDate; claimed_by: string; tier?: number | null | undefined; fasttracked?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }>[]; currently_upgrading?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; } ; members: Record<string, { perks: Readonly<Record<string, number | null | undefined>>; stats: Readonly<Record<string, number | null | undefined>>; collection: Readonly<...>; ... 77 more ...; experience_skill_carpentry?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; profile_id: string }>

Retrieve data about a SkyBlock profile from the Hypixel API via the /skyblock/profile endpoint.


profileIdstringThe ID of the SkyBlock profile to fetch. This should be a v4 UUID.
raw?falseWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelSkyBlockProfile object. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.


Promise<null | { banking?: null | { transactions: { amount: number; timestamp: UnixDate; action: string; initiator_name: string; }[]; balance?: number | null | undefined; } ; community_upgrades?: null | { upgrade_states: readonly Readonly<{ upgrade: string; started_ms: UnixDate; started_by: string; claimed_ms: UnixDate; claimed_by: string; tier?: number | null | undefined; fasttracked?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }>[]; currently_upgrading?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; } ; members: Record<string, { perks: Readonly<Record<string, number | null | undefined>>; stats: Readonly<Record<string, number | null | undefined>>; collection: Readonly<...>; ... 77 more ...; experience_skill_carpentry?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; profile_id: string }>

A Promise that resolves with a HypixelSkyBlockProfile, or null if the profile does not exist.



  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in


getSkyBlockProfile(profileId, raw?): Promise<RawResponse>

Retrieve data about a SkyBlock profile from the Hypixel API via the /skyblock/profile endpoint.


profileIdstringThe ID of the SkyBlock profile to fetch. This should be a v4 UUID.
raw?trueWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelSkyBlockProfile object. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.



A Promise that resolves with a RawResponse containing the raw data fetched from the Hypixel API.



  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in



getSkyBlockProfiles(playerUuid, raw?): Promise<{ banking?: null | { transactions: { amount: number; timestamp: UnixDate; action: string; initiator_name: string; }[]; balance?: number | null | undefined; } ; community_upgrades?: null | { upgrade_states: readonly Readonly<{ upgrade: string; started_ms: UnixDate; started_by: string; claimed_ms: UnixDate; claimed_by: string; tier?: number | null | undefined; fasttracked?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }>[]; currently_upgrading?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; } ; members: Record<string, { perks: Readonly<Record<string, number | null | undefined>>; stats: Readonly<Record<string, number | null | undefined>>; collection: Readonly<...>; ... 77 more ...; experience_skill_carpentry?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; profile_id: string }[]>

Retrieve an array of a player's SkyBlock profiles from the Hypixel API via the /skyblock/profiles endpoint.


playerUuidstringThe UUID of the player whose profiles should be fetched.
raw?falseWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelSkyBlockProfile object. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.


Promise<{ banking?: null | { transactions: { amount: number; timestamp: UnixDate; action: string; initiator_name: string; }[]; balance?: number | null | undefined; } ; community_upgrades?: null | { upgrade_states: readonly Readonly<{ upgrade: string; started_ms: UnixDate; started_by: string; claimed_ms: UnixDate; claimed_by: string; tier?: number | null | undefined; fasttracked?: boolean | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }>[]; currently_upgrading?: Readonly<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined; } ; members: Record<string, { perks: Readonly<Record<string, number | null | undefined>>; stats: Readonly<Record<string, number | null | undefined>>; collection: Readonly<...>; ... 77 more ...; experience_skill_carpentry?: number | ... 1 more ... | undefined; }> ; profile_id: string }[]>

A Promise that resolves with an array of HypixelSkyBlockProfile objects.



  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in


getSkyBlockProfiles(playerUuid, raw?): Promise<RawResponse>

Retrieve an array of a player's SkyBlock profiles from the Hypixel API via the /skyblock/profiles endpoint.


playerUuidstringThe UUID of the player whose profiles should be fetched.
raw?trueWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelSkyBlockProfile object. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.



A Promise that resolves with a RawResponse containing the raw data fetched from the Hypixel API.



  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in



getStatus(uuid, raw?): Promise<null | Readonly<{ gameType?: null | string ; map?: null | string ; mode?: null | string ; online?: null | boolean }>>

Retrieve the online status and current game of a specific player from the Hypixel API via the /status endpoint.


uuidstringThe UUID of the player. If a player with the given UUID is not currently online, or is not in Hypixels database, null will be returned.
raw?falseWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelSession object. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.


Promise<null | Readonly<{ gameType?: null | string ; map?: null | string ; mode?: null | string ; online?: null | boolean }>>

A Promise that resolves with a HypixelSession object, or null if the player is not online or does not exist.



  • Error if an invalid Hypixel API key was provided to the constructor.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in


getStatus(uuid, raw?): Promise<RawResponse>

Retrieve the online status and current game of a specific player from the Hypixel API via the /status endpoint.


uuidstringThe UUID of the player. If a player with the given UUID is not currently online, or is not in Hypixels database, null will be returned.
raw?trueWhether to return the raw RawResponse instead of a HypixelSession object. The raw response will bypass runtime type checking.



A Promise that resolves with a RawResponse containing the raw data fetched from the Hypixel API.



  • Error if an invalid Hypixel API key was provided to the constructor.
  • Error if the HTTP request to the Hypixel API failed
  • Error if the Hypixel API rate limit has been reached. APIOptions.deferPolicy can help avoid this. Can occur if the API has an emergency global throttle applied as well.

Defined in



Protected rawRequest(url): Promise<RawResponse>

Send a request to a given URL using this APIs HttpClient provided options. If the HttpClient has a cached response, then that response is returned immediately. Otherwise, we send a new request to the URL. Before sending the request, if an IDeferPolicy was provided to options, the defer policy is polled first.


urlstringThe complete URL to send a request to. Relative URLs are not supported.



A Promise which resolves to a RawResponse from the API.


  • Error if the HTTP request fails



Inherited from


Defined in



Protected request<S>(path, raw, schema, mutator): Promise<TypeOf<S>>

Send an API request to the given URL using the provided HttpClient and IDeferPolicy.

Type parameters

Sextends ZodObject<{ cause: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>> ; global: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>> ; success: ZodBoolean ; throttle: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>> }, "passthrough", ZodTypeAny, objectOutputType<{ cause: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>> ; global: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>> ; success: ZodBoolean ; throttle: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>> }, ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">, objectInputType<{ cause: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>> ; global: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>> ; success: ZodBoolean ; throttle: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>> }, ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">>


pathstringURL to send the request to. Relative URLs not supported.
rawfalseWhether to receive a RawResponse.
schemaSIn this overload, this value is unused. - The Zod schema to use to parse the API response.
mutatorundefinedIn this overload, this value is unused. - A function that takes in the schema-parsed response and returns another value. This can also be used to perform additional validation on the response and throw an Error if it fails.



  • If raw is true, the RawResponse from rawRequest is returned.
  • If raw is false and the mutator argument is undefined, the API response parsed by the provided schema is returned.
  • If raw is false and a mutator argument is provided, the value returned by the mutator is returned.


  • Error if the HTTP request fails.
  • Error if the schema parsing fails.




Defined in


Protected request<S, V>(path, raw, schema, mutator): Promise<V>

Send an API request to the given URL using the provided HttpClient and IDeferPolicy.

Type parameters

Sextends ZodObject<{ cause: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>> ; global: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>> ; success: ZodBoolean ; throttle: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>> }, "passthrough", ZodTypeAny, objectOutputType<{ cause: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>> ; global: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>> ; success: ZodBoolean ; throttle: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>> }, ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">, objectInputType<{ cause: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>> ; global: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>> ; success: ZodBoolean ; throttle: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>> }, ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">>


pathstringURL to send the request to. Relative URLs not supported.
rawfalseWhether to receive a RawResponse.
schemaSThe Zod schema to use to parse the API response.
mutator(input: TypeOf<S>) => VIn this overload, this value is unused. - A function that takes in the schema-parsed response and returns another value. This can also be used to perform additional validation on the response and throw an Error if it fails.



  • If raw is true, the RawResponse from rawRequest is returned.
  • If raw is false and the mutator argument is undefined, the API response parsed by the provided schema is returned.
  • If raw is false and a mutator argument is provided, the value returned by the mutator is returned.


  • Error if the HTTP request fails.
  • Error if the schema parsing fails.




Defined in



Static create(options): Promise<HypixelAPI>

Create a new instance of HypixelAPI.


optionsHypixelAPIOptionsOptions to use when creating the HypixelAPI.



A Promise that resolves to a new HypixelAPI instance. The Promise resolves after all resources have been fetched by HypixelResources, to avoid a ResourcesNotReadyError.


Defined in


Released under the MIT License.